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Flutter core package

about core package

  • this package the boss of all packages
  • the most important exported class is VChatController this can be used to init the package
  • and create rooms and listen to events and perform custom http requests and listen to socket events and handle navigation and handle notifications
  • you can start use the package by creating new file in the app lets call it v_chat_config.dart
  • add the following code to it
  • init method must be call once at app life cycle!
Future initVChat(GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey) async {
await VChatController.init(
navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
vChatConfig: VChatConfig(
enableLog: kDebugMode,
//optional not working yet
enableEndToEndMessageEncryption: false,
maxGroupMembers: 512,
//optional max message forward to or share to chats
maxForward: 7,
maxBroadcastMembers: 512,
//optional callback when user try to report some one else
onReportUserPress: null,
//must be same as the backend
encryptHashKey: "V_CHAT_SDK_V2_VERY_STRONG_KEY",
baseUrl: "Your v chat base url for local run put localhost:3001 for local run on emulator put",
vPush: VPush(
enableVForegroundNotification: true,
vPushConfig: const VLocalNotificationPushConfig(),
fcmProvider: VChatFcmProver(),
oneSignalProvider: VChatOneSignalProver(
appId: "oneSignalKey", //your onesignal appId
vNavigator: VNavigator(
roomNavigator: vDefaultRoomNavigator,
callNavigator: vDefaultCallNavigator,
messageNavigator: VMessageNavigator(
//this happens when user click on image in message page
toImageViewer: vDefaultMessageNavigator.toImageViewer,
//this happens when user click on show media drop down in message page
toViewChatMedia: vDefaultMessageNavigator.toViewChatMedia,
//this happens when user click on video in message page
toVideoPlayer: vDefaultMessageNavigator.toVideoPlayer,
//this happens when user click on see message information to know when the message send or delivered or seen at for `direct` chat
//when user click on notification or lunch the app from notification this function will call to open the message page
toMessagePage: (context, vRoom) {
return context.toPage(VMessagePage(
vRoom: vRoom,
//set message page configuration here
vMessageConfig: VMessageConfig(
googleMapsApiKey: dotenv.env['googleMapsApiKey'],
//optional if null then no shar location
isCallsAllowed: true,
//optional if you want to override the the ui of the model sheet witch open when user want to pick image or media
onMessageAttachmentIconPress: null,
//optional if user press the un block action inside the chat will be block auto from v chat but you maybe want to do more
onUserUnBlockAnother: null,
//optional when internet connection week or lost there are red widget say connecting... you can hide it if you wish
showDisconnectedWidget: true,
//optional not working yet
onMessageLongPress: null,
//optional if user press the block action inside the chat will be block auto from v chat but you maybe want to do more
onUserBlockAnother: null,
//optional set max upload media size it now 50mb
maxMediaSize: 1024 * 1024 * 50,
//optional set the image Quality
compressImageQuality: 55,
//optional max Record Time (not working for now)
maxRecordTime: const Duration(minutes: 30), //optional
//this happens when user click on see message information to know when the message send or delivered or seen at for `broadcast` chat
//this happens when user click on see message information to know when the message send or delivered or seen at for `group` chat
toGroupChatMessageInfo: vDefaultMessageNavigator.toGroupChatMessageInfo,
//when user click on group title or icon to open group information to know more about this group like group members and more data
toGroupSettings: (context, data) {
//data her hold the VToChatSettingsModel data
builder: (context) => GroupRoomSettingsView(settingsModel: data),
//when user click on peer user in direct chat title or icon to open peer chat user page you should handle this out of v chat scope
toSingleSettings: (context, data, identifier) {
builder: (context) => SingleRoomSettingsView(settingsModel: data),
//when user click `broadcast` chat title or icon to open broadcast chat page you should handle this out of v chat scope
toBroadcastSettings: (context, data) {
builder: (context) =>
BroadcastRoomSettingsView(settingsModel: data),
//when user click on group mention or username inside group chat so need to open peer profile you should handle this out of v chat scope
toUserProfilePage: (context, identifier) {
builder: (context) => PeerProfileView(identifier: identifier),
  • encryptHashKey must be same as the backend so ask the backend about it! it must be secret dont share it
  • you need to call this function in main.dart after WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
  • create final _navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>(); and pass this key to the function and dont forget to add it to MaterialApp to navigatorKey: _navigatorKey, this used to let user navigate when clicking to notification
  • vChatConfig: VChatConfig() this contain the configuration of the package
  • googleMapsApiKey set it or ignore it if you ignore the send location in chat will disappear
  • encryptHashKey must be strong and not changeable and must be same as .env file in backend
  • baseUrl the sev base url of the v chat server without /api or v1 just like Uri.parse("http://localhost:3001") or Uri.parse("")
  • VPush setup notifications provider enableVForegroundNotification if this true then you will let v chat handle in app open notifications
  • vPushConfig this will help for let you add custom sound later
  • fcmProvider to support firebase fcm make sure to configure it
  • oneSignalProvider to support oneSignal make sure to configure it
  • vNavigator used to open some pages if you want to override it actions you can

to make the user online in the system you should call

  • this api must be called after user login or register into your system the best place is in home initState page
  • usually the home open when user already has access if not you can put conditions and handle it
  • this endpoint responsible for connect the user and make him online and receive messages in realtime
  • here is example of how you can get the user data from your system and pass it to v chat your system user data typically is available after user login or register in your system and you already save it by some way then you need to get it and pass to v chat so dont worry about final data = VAppPref.getMap(SStorageKeys.myProfile); you dont need to put this line in your system because by this line i get the data saved from my system
///get user saved login data from your system
final data = VAppPref.getMap(SStorageKeys.myProfile);

///its recommended to set fullName if it available this data for the current login user
await VChatController.I.profileApi.connect
identifier: data!['userId'],
fullName:"name" it can be null

how to start new chat

  • call this api form any where in your app forget the identifier is same as the id which used for connect the user in the sept above
await VChatController.I.roomApi.openChatWith(
peerIdentifier: "identifier",

how to support new languages

  • there are two packages need to be localized
  • VMessagePage and VChatPage each of theme accept language: parameter you can pass the language
  • as your system use if you use easy-local or flutter localization or any system, you can just fill the language model
  • as the current active language and v chat will use it

do more

call v chat package native apis

  • you will need to call v chat native apis for do the following
  • to see group settings or get some data from offline data base if you want
  • check all apis here VChatController.I.roomApi.
  • you can call the api of create new group
  await VChatController.I.roomApi.createGroup(
dto: CreateGroupDto(
identifiers: =>,
title: title,
platformImage: image,
  • create broadcast also and get group members and kick user if you admin and other like add members all stuff supported there

you can listen to v chat socket streams also!

  • for example you can listen to all unread count of messages like
    VChatController.I.nativeApi.streams.totalUnreadMessageCountStream.listen((total) { 
///do your logic here
///this stream will call when ever new unread or read done will retrun the total unread there
/// dont forget to dispose the stream!
  • check out the other apis for advanced use

send custom message

  • you can make this by the following
  • first get the user room id by
  • await VChatController.I.roomApi.getPeerRoom(peerIdentifier: peerIdentifier)
  • then send message by VChatController.I.roomApi.sendCustomMessage(roomId: roomId, data: {})

Group apis

  • you can create group chat by call you must have at lest one user to the list you must not includes your current login user id v chat will take care of it
 await VChatController.I.roomApi.createGroup(
dto: CreateGroupDto(
identifiers: =>,
title: title,
platformImage: image, // is nullable VPlatformFileSource class

VPlatformFileSource is the way of send files to the v chat sdk you can create from file by call VPlatformFileSource.fromPath(filePath: filePath)

  • you can get the curren login user group info by call VChatController.I.roomApi.getGroupVMyGroupInfo(roomId: roomId);
  • this contains
class VMyGroupInfo {
final bool isMeOut;
final int membersCount;
final int totalOnline;
final VGroupMemberRole myRole; //my group role it can be member admin superAdmin
final VMyGroupSettings? groupSettings; // this can be null only you kick from the group
  • group roles member admin superAdmin member the joined user can only leave the group admin can kick user or admin and upgrade downgrade users he cant perform any action to the superAdmin the group creator can do anything if he leaves the random assign will add another user to be superAdmin if the group all users left and has only one user and he leaves the group will be deleted!
  • any user in group can update group name , image and description you can call
  • Image
roomId: roomId,
file: image,
  • Title
 await VChatController.I.roomApi
.updateGroupTitle(roomId: roomId, title: newTitle);
  • Description
     await VChatController.I.roomApi
.updateGroupDescription(roomId: roomId, description: newDescription);
  • Mute and unmute works for all rooms
 await VChatController.I.roomApi

await VChatController.I.roomApi
  • Add group members if you Admin or superAdmin only
  • await VChatController.I.roomApi.addParticipantsToGroup(roomId, list);
  • Update user role if you are admin or superAdmin
await VChatController.I.roomApi.changeGroupMemberRole(
roomId: roomId,
peerIdentifier: identifier,
role: VGroupMemberRole.admin,
  • Kick user if you are admin or superAdmin
  await VChatController.I.roomApi.kickGroupUser(
roomId: roomId,
peerIdentifier: identifier,


  • you need to install overlay_support
  • and wrap the MaterialApp with this will add support for in app notifications