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Backend installation

Local & Production Environment Setup


  1. Install Node.js (version v16 or higher) and npm. Check the Node.js version using node -v.

  2. Install only if you not docker user cross-env npm i -g cross-env for managing production or development environments and pm2 for manage production deploy by npm i -g pm2 CLI (npm install -g @nestjs/cli).

  3. Install MongoDB (minimum v4.4, recommended v6).

  4. Create an AWS account and register a new S3 bucket. Keep the following information handy:

    • BUCKET

    For more information, follow this video tutorial.

Environment Configuration

  1. Two environment files are available: .env.development and .env.production.

  2. Update .env.production with production data:

    DB_URL="mongodb://" # MongoDB full URL
    JWT_SECRET="a%dyFjcZp*xL$Qbek" # Secure password
    encryptHashKey="V_CHAT_SDK_V2_VERY_STRONG_KEY" # Must be the same as the Flutter encryptHashKey and unchangeable
    isOneSignalEnabled="true" # Set to true if using OneSignal
    isFirebaseFcmEnabled="true" # Set to true if using Firebase FCM, and update the firebase.adminsdk.json file
    oneSignalAppId="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx" # Leave empty if not using OneSignal push
    oneSignalApiKey="xxxxxxxxxxxx" # Leave empty if not using OneSignal push
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AKxxxxxxxxxx" # S3 access key from the console
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxx" # S3 secret access key from the console
    BUCKET_REGION="xxxxx" # S3 bucket region
    BUCKET="xxxxxxx" # S3 bucket name
    NODE_ENV="production" # For .env.production file
    ignoreEnvFile="false" # Set to true if injecting environment variables from the OS system level
    EDIT_MODE="false" # Set to false for urgent API updates
    PORT="3001" # Use 80 for production, set the Node.js exported port

    Note: Changing the encryptHashKey will cause old logins to fail. A solution for safe updates will be provided in future updates.

Obtaining firebase.adminsdk.json

  1. Make sure the firebase account is the same as the one used in flutter app.
  2. To ensure chat notifications work properly, follow this video to obtain the firebase.adminsdk.json file.
  3. Replace the existing firebase.adminsdk.json file with your new one.

Obtaining OneSignal Keys

  1. Create a Firebase account and follow this video to obtain OneSignal keys.

  2. Update the following fields with your OneSignal keys:


Running the Code (Without Docker)

  1. Open a terminal in the backend root folder.
  2. Run npm i or npm i --force if issues occur.
  3. Generate a dist folder npm run build.
  4. Run npm run start:prod. for live console logs if you run in production mode. in your vps server then you should run pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --only normal --env production. to see logs run pm2 logs
  5. If you see app run in production, your code is production-ready.
  6. Access the development server at localhost:80 and production server at port 80. Update the port in .env.production if necessary.
  7. Update the PORT in the .env file if using Docker, and ensure you update the environment variable in the OS (env).

Running the Code (With Docker)

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose.
  2. update .env.production this keys from mongodb:// to mongodb://v_mongodb:27017/v_chat_sdk_v2
  3. Run the Dockerfile if Docker is already installed on your system. Note that this only sets up v_chat_sdk and doesn't include MongoDB or Redis. You need to manage these separately OR.
  4. Use a compose file witch manage all dependency together.
  5. Run docker-compose up to start the containers and view logs, or run docker-compose up -d to run in the background.

Additional Information

  1. The app doesn't use persistent data for chats, which are saved in MongoDB, while media is stored in S3.
  2. To ensure V_Chat_v2 is working, visit HOST_OR_IP:PORT. If you see "Congratulations V_Chat_v2 working successfully," it is functioning correctly.

Common Errors

  1. If you encounter the error ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Configuration key "JWT_SECRET" does not exist, it means NestJS cannot read your .env.production file.

    • To fix this, ensure you have injected the environment variable or that .env.production exists in the root of the project. It may be ignored by .git.
  2. If you see the error The default Firebase app does not exist. Make sure you call initializeApp() before using any of the Firebase services , it means you have enabled FCM but have not configured it.

Need More Support?

  • after purchasing this code you will get one free setup for the server side.
  • so you need to follow up this steps to get your server side ready to use.
  • configure the .env.production file with your own data. as shown above. and the firebase fcm file collect it from your firebase account. and configure the s3 or send me the data and i will configure it for you.
  • create ubuntu server and send me the ip address and the ssh key to access it.
  • To enable free SSL from Let's Encrypt for your domain, you will need to point the DNS of your domain to our VPS hosting service. For example, if your domain is, you can create a subdomain named and point it to our VPS server. Additionally, it is important to add a wildcard route for * to ensure proper functioning.
  • collect all data and send you purchasing key from codecanyou to to get your free setup.


  • If you need further assistance, contact the developer at or via Skype at live:.cid.607250433850e3a6. The developer offers server deployment, free SSL configuration, database viewer, and backup services for $100. after your free one This includes server-side deployment and amazon s3 setup and migration of old users, if you have an existing production app, within approximately 8 hours this will insure all about server side 100% configure.
  • For additional customizations, feel free to reach out my.