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Socket events

In this section, we will explain all events used by V Chat and their respective responses.

  • to connect to the socket you need to make sure you use socket clint v4
  • add the auth to the headerssocket

Client Listener (socket.on('EVENT'))

1. v1OnNewMessage

Triggered when a new message is received. The response is a JSON object containing information about the message, including sender information, room information, content, and timestamps.

"sId": "63d6683a88c3d52e0e6dffa4",
"sIdentifier": "",
"sName": "user 1",
"sImg": "",
"plm": "other",
"rId": "63ebe4e6ed30938bc1d9203c",
"c": "1111111111111",
"isEncrypted": false,
"mT": "text",
"msgAtt": null,
"rTo": null,
"sAt": null,
"dAt": null,
"forId": null,
"dltAt": null,
"pBId": null,
"dF": [],
"stars": [],
"lId": "447bc1aa-bbf4-4de6-bc43-19d349398f02",
"linkAtt": null,
"peerData": null,
"_id": "6406443f14eb1e120ecd9007",
"createdAt": "2023-03-06T19:51:27.582Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-06T19:51:27.582Z"

2. v1OnBanUserChat

Triggered when a user is banned from the chat. The response contains information about the user who was banned and the room they were banned from.

"isMeBanner": true,
"isPeerBanner": false,
"roomId": "roomId"

3. v1OnDeleteMessageFromAll

Triggered when a message is deleted for all users. The response is a normal message object with the dltAt field containing the time the message was deleted.

"sId": "63d6683a88c3d52e0e6dffa4",
"sIdentifier": "",
"sName": "user 1",
"sImg": "",
"plm": "other",
"rId": "63ebe4e6ed30938bc1d9203c",
"c": "1111111111111",
"isEncrypted": false,
"mT": "text",
"msgAtt": null,
"rTo": null,
"sAt": null,
"dAt": null,
"forId": null,
"dltAt": "2023-03-06T19:51:27.582Z",
"pBId": null,
"dF": [],
"stars": [],
"lId": "447bc1aa-bbf4-4de6-bc43-19d349398f02",
"linkAtt": null,
"peerData": null,
"_id": "6406443f14eb1e120ecd9007",
"createdAt": "2023-03-06T19:51:27.582Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-06T19:51:27.582Z"

4. v1OnKickGroupMember

Triggered when a group member is kicked. The response contains information about the user who was kicked and the room they were kicked from.

"roomId": "roomId",
"userId": "userId"

5. v1OnMyOnline

Triggered when the online status of users changes. The response contains an array of objects, each object representing a user's online status.

"peerId": "peerId",
"isOnline": true
"peerId": "peerId2",
"isOnline": false

6. v1OnRoomStatusChange

Triggered when the room status changes. The status can be an enum of (stop, typing, recording). The response contains information about the user who changed the status and the room the status was changed in.

"name": "name",
"status": "status",
"userId": "userId",
"roomId": "roomId"

7. v1OnDeliverChatRoom

Triggered when a chat room is delivered. The response contains information about the room, the user, and the date of delivery.

"roomId": "roomId",
"userId": "userId",
"date": "date"

8. v1OnException

Triggered when an exception occurs. The response contains the error message.

"error": "error"

9. v1OnEnterChatRoom

Triggered when a user enters a chat room. The response contains information about the room, the user, and the date of entry.

"roomId": "roomId",
"userId": "userId",
"date": "date"

Call Events (only if you use vChatWebRtc)

  1. v1OnCallAccepted
  2. v1OnCallEnded
  3. v1OnCallCanceled
  4. v1OnCallRejected
  5. v1OnNewCall
  6. v1OnCallTimeout
  7. v1OnIceCandidate
