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Postman apis (Advanced use)

  • this is Advanced part you can ignore this part it unless you know to you do
  • clone our postman collection from here
  • all parameters all described there postman itself documents inside v_chat_sdk_v2 collection IMAGE
  • there are global environment in postman you need to update the baseUrl to if development to localhost:3001/api/v2 update the 3001 to your port see IMAGE 1
  • if production put the real server ip contact with the port and /api/v2
  • usually you don't do anything with postman but for make sure the apis works correctly you need to test at lest one endpoint
  • you need to update the postman v chat production env to your site configuration
  • user1access user one access token to perform v chat actions
  • baseUrl the v chat base url
  • rId current roomId
  • mId current messageId
  • adminKeyVChat admin key to access the rooms data

some important notes

  1. identifier it can be string only if number then call.toString() To establish a link communication between your system and v_chat, we use an intermediate called an identifier. This identifier must be unique in your system, and we recommend using the user ID in your database system as the identifier.
  • For example, when a user clicks on another user's name in v_chat, the default action is to open that user's page. However, this action should be handled outside of the v_chat scope, within your own system. To achieve this, we have created a callback function that passes the identifier to you, allowing you to handle the action of opening the peer user's page and loading their data.

  • By using this identifier as the link between the two systems, you can seamlessly integrate the features of v_chat into your own system and provide a smooth user experience for your users. If you have any questions or need further assistance with the integration process, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • localId used for identify messages so if you build web version you need to generate is from v4 uuid

migrate old users

  • there are plan to migrate your old users to v chat if you already do the chat in firebase then you can migrate or any platform
  • you need to export all users in phases and import all to the mongo db collection named users the json must be with this format
  • the system will migrate only after you restart the node app make sure you restart the app after any migrations happen
"fullName": "user chat name",
"userImages": {
"fullImage": "",
"chatImage": "",
"smallImage": ""
"identifier": "YOUR STRING UNIQUE KEY",
"fullName": "user chat name"
  • if you want to add user images add this add userImages key with the value with full user image url
  • if you dont have or want to use the default image then delete the userImages key
  • don't worry if you enter the same user twice v_chat will ignore it for you
  • if in your system have one user image you can put it as same for all fullImage , chatImage , "smallImage"